Last updated: 4 Aug 2023 | 1521 Views |
1. Wash with water: Use clean water to wash the surface of the artificial wood. Then use a cloth to wipe it off or leave it to dry.
2. Wash with water and wood cleaner. : If there is a dense stain on the wood Use water and a wood cleaner (no chemicals that are harmful to health and hygiene), wash off the stain and use a cleaning brush to remove dirt and grime from the wood surface. by sanding along the wood grain.
3. Dry polishing using stainless steel wool or sandpaper: In case of scratches, stainless steel wool or sandpaper can be used. Scrub along the grain until the scratch fades or disappears.
4. Storage: Artificial wood should be kept away from moisture and intense sunlight. because it may cause the wood to deteriorate and change color
5.Maintenance: can use wood paint to apply on the artificial wood surface to add shine. and prevent color deterioration
6. Regular inspection: The condition of artificial wood should be checked regularly. to be aware of the potential damage and correct it in time
By taking proper care, it will help the artificial wood to be beautiful and durable for long-term use.